Cheers to 2023 and full steam into 2024
We’re in the final month of 2023 and it has been one of our biggest! In case you’ve forgotten, we’ve released some BIG features this year including Estimates, Proposals, Bills, Expenses, and now Invoicing. Not to mention, the dozens of mighty enhancements.
A big thank you to all our pros! Whether you joined us last month, this year, or many years ago our whole team is grateful for your support and can’t wait to bring you many monumental moments in 2024!
Hundreds of pro teams have now sent an Invoice to their clients thanks to our newest Invoicing tool, are you one of them? If not, check out this quick walkthrough on how to send an Invoice.
Believe it or not, we’ve already made some new enhancements to Invoicing, thanks to the feedback from our pros.

What’s new with Invoicing?
1. Add Budget Management fees to your Invoice
2. Customize what a client can see on an Invoice
Remember how excited you were when we added digital approvals to Client Selections ... well, we’ve added that same functionality to Change Orders.
That’s right, now you can send a Change Order to a client, request their approval, and track their response. Helping you keep detailed records and get the job done faster—check it out!
The status of a task isn’t one size fits all. Why should you be limited by a set of default statuses we provide you. Well, now you can create ANY status and save them for later use. New task status settings, available in your account settings, allow you to edit, delete, or add your own task statuses. Check it out!
Bills and expenses can now be split across multiple budget line items. What does this mean? If you want to send one Bill for multiple items from your Budget you can! Associate a specific line item or multiple items and how much it cost to a Bill or Expense. Select one to continue, then enter the cost in the associated cost field. As costs are entered, the total in the bottom right increases.
By default, the only "line item" when drafting a Bill or Expenses for the first time is our new "Unassociated Cost" item. Putting a value in here works the same as putting in a cost without a budget line item in the previous system. Part or all of a bill or expense can be unassociated. Unassociated costs do not count against Budget Line items, allowing you to create a Bill or Expense as one off items.
Fixed mode is one of three Scheduling modes you can pre-set within a Schedule. It allows dependencies to maintain the space (lag) between all successors when an item is moved. With this recent enhancement, working days can now be toggled on for this mode. With working days turned on, anytime a Schedule item is moved it will take your weekends into account and not add them to the “working days” column that appears in your Schedule.
We continue to enhance our pros experience on the BuildBook mobile app. This month, we’ve launched a new home screen so you can get to tasks and projects faster, fixed a handful of bugs, and improved our offline mode for when job sites have poor service.
If you haven't done so already, sign up for a free 10-day trial of BuildBook and experience the smarter, faster, and simpler way to run your projects and improve your construction business!
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